8 Jun 2003


I'm in the office today, doing the homework for my Elementary Italian class. I had wanted to take German over the summer, in preparation for my trip to Berlin in August, but couldn't find a class that met after work hours. So, just to see how completely confused I could get between Portuguese and Spanish, I'm sitting here with a copy of Prego! and studying these bizarre Italian possessive constructions: La mio macchina è rossa, the-my car is red.

So far the hardest part of the language has been the basic construction there is/there are: c'è un caffè, ci sono due treni. I suppose this makes sense coming from French, where ç'est is used, but Spanish and Portuguese have just hay/ha. Also, an h indicates a hard sound, rather than a soft one, which is the opposite of English.

On the plus side, our teacher brought in biscotti for class on Thursday. That's enough to make me study any language.

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