While driving across Denmark in our rented Mercedes A-Class, we decided to swing west to the coast of Jutland and see if we could catch a glimpse of the North Sea.
Turns out that there's a rather substantial dyke that stands between the fields on one side and the marshes on the other -- here I am standing on top of it, pointing the camera towards the interior of Denmark. Some in our party wanted to venture into the water, but quick thinking and the recognition of the Danish word for 'quicksand' prevented us from going that route.
A little further up the coast, however, on our way to Mandø, we did stop by a country church which I snapped a few pictures of. I forgot to make any note of the name of the church or parish, however, and several hours spent trying to figure out where in the heck this was has rendered my best guess at the location: I remember the streetname being something like Kirkevej (church-way) and this is certainly the right area.
Looks like the church may have been started in 1729 and rebuilt in 1855, following a common pattern of 19th-century rennovations. There's a memorial out behind the graveyard to war dead, one of many we saw commemorating everything from WWI to the resistance against the Nazi's in the 1940's.
The iron-banded door I thought worthy of a few megs of space on my compact flash card.