11 Mar 2007

Louisiana Museum, Humlebæk

The Louisiana Museum of Modern Art has perhaps the most confusing name of all the museums in Denmark. As you can tell from the pictures below, it's nowhere near the location of New Orleans -- nor the weather. In late Feburary, the Scan|Design Foundation sponsored a trip for the UW students in Denmark to the museum, which is a short train ride north of Copenhagen.

Coördinator Marianne Stølen explains to a disappointed Melissa and Lisa that we're not going to New Orleans

The original estate has been extended throughout the years, including a big expansion since last I was there in 1994. I believe most of the large underground exhibition halls are new, and the café area seems to have a whole new restaurant attached. Despite the snowy weather in Humlebæk, we had a very pleasant lunch near the fireplace -- the salmon salad was recommended by most of our group.

During the summer, you can walk around the extensive grounds and see the sculptures in the collection. Or, if you're brave, you can do the same during the winter, as Alexander Calder sculptures and mobiles hug the Øresund coast:

...not to mention the Richard Serra rolled steel installation...

Back inside, the Concert Hall features seating designed by Poul Kjærholm:

The rest of the photos from the trip are online here.

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