10 Jun 2007

WWDC Day 0

Today is the day before Apple's 2007 Worldwide Developers Conference in San Francisco. I'm flying into Oakland today, then hopefully getting registered at Moscone before making a quick trip up to Pt. Reyes with Sándor.

In preparation for next week's conference, I dug through my collection of t-shirts from the 1990s, when I was active in the Berkeley Mac scene. Some contenders included Berkeley Systems' Flying Toasters, from their After Dark screensaver, as well as a something I got for working a booth on the UC campus for Apple.


The winner turned out to be the souvenir t-shirt from the Fall 1990 New Products Introduction. This event, held on October 15th at the San Jose factory, heralded the introduction of the Mac IIsi, Mac LC and Mac Classic. Thanks to help from Mike Alderete, who was serving as an Apple Campus Rep for UC Berkeley at the time, I got a ticket for the introduction of these three new "low-cost" machines. I think there's also a picture of me in the 1990 Annual Report, actually -- was probably the youngest person there. Seventeen years and four states later, the t-shirt, a little faded, was still in my closet.

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