12 Jul 2008

WWDC 2008

Network Operations Center

Pictures from the Apple Worldwide Developers Conference, back in early June. As with last year, industrial-strength laptop battery charging technology was provided to keep everyone going:

Charging stations

But new this year (at least to me) was the innovation of powerstrips taped to the back legs of chairs, so that you weren't forced to sit near the edges of the room in order to plug in:

Power outlets

Our traditional lunch at 'wichcraft was distinguished by sitting next to the event photographers from James Duncan Davidson's group.

Lunch at 'wichcraft

But we also decided to branch out and try the downtown location of Yank Sing, a highly-recommended dim sum establishment:

Yank Sing

Moscone West continued to be a pleasant venue for the show, despite the somewhat vertiginous heights and copious escalators involved:

Moscone West

After the show had wound down, we took a pleasant walk towards the Presidio to check out the new LucasArts Digital headquarters. The Palace of Fine Arts was under restoration, and the accompanying the replanting and landscaping around the old fair grounds (on the other side of the columns below, not visible in the photo) was a definite improvement upon my childhood memories.

Palace of Fine Arts

That day ended with an early dinner at Baker Street Bistro, a pleasant Zagat-rated neighborhood french restaurant:

Baker Street Bistro

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