12 Apr 2009

Hard Drive upgrade for 24" iMac

Disassembling iMac

The internal 320gig drive that had been inside my 24” iMac since its purchase last summer had finally reached the point of being too full to hold everything conveniently. In addition, the price of fast Caviar Black hard drives have now fallen to the point where it makes sense to stick a terabyte in my main desktop machine. Out came dozens of Torx screws, plus the 24” piece of glass that covers the front — removed from its magnetic fasteners through judicious use of large suction cups.

iMac motherboard

I used the technique that lets you keep the LCD attached by one cable, swung out of the way, rather than removing to completely and finding a safe place for it. Inside, the space for the hard drive is at the top center:

iMac motherboard

One interesting detail I noticed while the machine was disassembled: the back of the front cabinet where the shiny Apple logo resides looks to be a circular cutout in the aluminum, suggestive of a design which would have allowed a semi-transparent white logo instead of the opaque metal one that eventually was used:

Back of iMac case

Apple’s used backlit logos on products such as its laptops for many years, and there are suggestions next month’s impending iPhone upgrade may also use such a design element.

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