Let’s see what we can recap from this year’s Apple WorldWide Developers Conference in San Francisco.
Snacks remain as healthy as usual:
T-Shirt, bag and badge procured one day early:
Insane keynote line wrapping around the block:
Success at getting into the main Keynote venue — if a bit far back
Lunch with friends from Chicago:
North-Korea-scale promotional banners from Apple inside the convention center:
Apple’s large-scale visualization of App Store downloads in real-time, spread over 9 30” Cinema Displays:
Trip to Golden Gate Park to ogle the new California Academy of Sciences:
For over a decade, people have juggled during the breaks in the conference. This year was no exception:
Obligatory lunch at Yank Sing:
Late-night trivia event, drawing upon 25 years of Apple history: “Stump the Experts.” About the only time you’ll be rewarded for recalling details of the Apple // serial port architecture, or the inner workings of HyperCard:
The complete set of pictures is on Flickr.